"When I was beginning to learn the history of France, the account of Joan of Arc's exploits delighted me; I felt in my heart the desire and the courage to imitate her. It seemed the Lord destined me, too, for great things."
- Letter from Thérèse to Maurice Belliere, the seminarian who was her “spiritual brother” (April 27, 1897)
Is the Lord calling you deeper into his heart?
Let Thérèse & Joan light the way.
Registration Opens October 1, 2025
on the feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Only 40 Spots Available

Sean works as the General Sales Manager for Ave Maria Radio, the largest producer of Catholic radio content in the English-speaking world. He is also the founder and director of Warriors of St. Michael men's ministry and an avid lover of St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Joan of Arc. He is passionate about reminding the people of God that their deepest
identity is as sons and daughters of God, and that all fruitful and lasting mission work and evangelization must be an overflow of this core identity. He resides in Saline, Michigan with his wife Lexie and their five children: Emma, Isaac, Dominic, Jack, and Noah. Their home parish is Christ the King in Ann Arbor.

Elizabeth Gengle is host of “The Heart of the Interior Life” on Ave Maria Radio. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with a Bachelor’s degree in Theology with a concentration in Religious Education and a minor in Mental Health and Human Services. She has worked in various parish, Catholic school, youth ministry, and
adult faith formation setting for over twenty years since her graduation. Elizabeth has presented at, facilitated, and organized numerous retreat opportunities. Elizabeth has established Heart of the Interior Life Retreat and Speaking Ministry, dedicated to sharing the spiritual teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. John Paul II.
When is the retreat?The retreat will be held the first weekend Lent 2026, which is Friday February 20 to Sunday February 22. The retreat will begin with registration on Friday at 3:00pm, and will end at 12:00pm after the Sunday morning Mass. With Ash Wednesday in 2026 being February 18th, this is the perfect way to start Lent rooted in prayer.
When does registration open?Registration opens on October 1, 2025 on the Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Get a reminder by subscribing for email updates at the bottom of the page!
Where is the retreat?The retreat will be held at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt, Michigan. More information on the center can be found at www.stfrancis.ws.
Is this retreat only for women?Yes, this retreat is exclusively for women.
Can I bring my daughter, granddaughter, niece, or other minor family member?With this retreat diving deeper into Thérèse and Joan's perseverance through external and internal struggles even to the point of death, all talks are geared toward adult women. Therefore we do have 18 as the minimum age for attendance. That being said, Thérèse and Joan are fantastic examples of faith for young people. So, if you would like to host a presentation or retreat geared toward children or teenagers, we are certainly open to assisting with that pending our availability. Reach out to us on the contact page, and let us know what you have in mind!
How much will it cost?Cost is still being determined. However, our current estimate is between $275 and $375 for the three-day retreat experience from Friday evening to Sunday morning.
Are lodging and meals included?Yes, the cost of the retreat includes lodging, towels and linens, and meals. The first meal will be Friday evening dinner, and the last meal will be Sunday morning breakfast. There will be no lunch provided on Sunday.
Do the provided meals accommodate food allergies?Yes! Any guests who have medical food allergies or who are vegetarian or vegan should email foodservices@stfrancis.ws a minimum of one week prior to arrival to discuss the menu and how the retreat center may be able to accommodate their needs, and what items they may need to provide.
Are the rooms single or double occupancy? Do rooms have private baths?Each retreatant will have their own private room with an attached private bath. That being said, each room does have two twin beds. So if you prefer to room with a friend who is also attending the retreat, or if you are open to rooming with another retreat attendee simply indicate that on your registration form and we will do our best to accommodate.
What is the format of the retreat, and what makes it 'immersive'?This retreat is not meant to be academic in nature. While there will be robust teachings, there will also be extended times of silent reflection and guided meditations on the talk content. Furthermore, to provide a more immersive experience, there will be an intentional focus on cultivating a prayerful environment. This will include a well-appointed chapel and other spaces for prayer, the presence of many sacred images and paintings, as well as other objects meant to draw the heart and mind into deep contemplation of the daily lives and unique missions of Thérèse and Joan.
What specific content will the retreat cover?Throughout the retreat talks, we will cover in detail the biographies of both St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Joan of Arc, including great detail about Thérèse's own devotion to Joan. We will discuss how they saw themselves, their relationship with God, prayer, and mission. We will also do a deep dive into how each of these saints dealt with their own weaknesses and failures, as well how they were able to persevere in faith despite the obstacles in their paths. Finally, we will discuss how to put Thérèse and Joan's examples of faith into practice in your own lives.
I don't know much about St. Thérèse and St. Joan. Do I need to do any reading or preparation?No reading or preparation is needed as the retreat will cover all pertinent details of the biographies of each saint being discussed. That being said Thérèse's autobiography Story of a Soul is a wonderful way to acquaint yourself with her, and it is perfect for devotional reading in prayer. More than anything else, please pray for the retreat: for yourself, for the other retreatants, for smooth preparations, and a fruitful retreat experience for all.
Is there a livestream option, or any other way I can access the retreat talks / content?There is not a livestream option at this time because 'getting away' to a prayerful atmosphere surrounded by other disciples in Christ is an intentional part of the retreat experience. If there is a good response, then we may consider hosting this retreat again in the future.
Can I invite you to speak on these topics outside of this retreat?If your organization, parish, or diocese would like to host this retreat in your own location, reach out to us on the contact page to inquire about our availability.
Can we invite you to speak for a smaller event with a different format than a retreat?Yes, the retreat content can be modified for different sized groups. The content can also be geared toward an evening session, a 1-day retreat, or a multi-evening parish mission as needed. Reach out to us on the contact page to inquire about our availability.
2024 Talk from Sean Breeden on Joan of Arc
"You have spoken to my soul and renewed my faith. I loved every word of this talk!! I can't believe I am just now learning about this beautiful saint and my new best friend, Joan of Arc! Your talks always allow holy tears to cleanse the parts of my soul that I have neglected."
Terri B. (Event Attendee)